Have you heard from God?
Can God instruct you, correct you, redirect you?
Listening and obeying to God is of vital importance in today's world.
As most of you know I have been working on a book for some time. Recently in a time of prayer at the start of last month, I heard Holy Spirit say to my heart, "The book, make it a series." My initial response was to write down what I heard and say in my heart, "Ok, can we talk about that later." I was thinking; 'a book series?' It seemed overwhelming. I haven't even finished the whole book, and I have been on it for a few years.
I needed time to process it in my heart first.
What does ‘process it in my heart’ mean?
1. I must make room for God's instructions in my heart. My heart had to increase in capacity to believe it and agree with it. I had to make that choice to increase the capacity of my heart. God cannot do that for me.
2. The scriptures call this mixing faith or trust with the word. Doing this, is my responsibility. “for Good News has also been proclaimed to us, just as it was to them. But the message they heard didn’t do them any good, because those who heard it did not combine it with trust.” Hebrews 4:2 CJB

It has taken me a few weeks to process it and to settle it in my heart and get insight as to what to write and how it will flow from book to book. It required some stretching of my heart that is my spirit, which gives me the capacity to believe and receive what God tells me to do.
I also read a prophetic word by Lana Vawser Ministries that bore witness to my spirit, that talked about God’s divine rearranging in this new year: "I heard The Lord say, 'Lean into the rearranging, for in the simplifying there is unprecedented fruitfulness."
So, I am officially working on a Book Series. I will be giving more insight as to the overall theme of the books in the series and the number and titles of each book in the coming weeks.
I am excited to share what God has been giving to me over the last couple years in a unified way and I trust you all will be blessed as you read the books.

Have you checked out Ade's merchandise store?
Click link below to view the new ‘Heart the Lord’ Merchandise and enjoy 10% off all items in the month of February 2025 when you use the code: FEBGIFT at check out.
Remember to share the link with family and friends and enjoy your week.
